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Apply for International Students Scholarships at the University of Turin for Postgraduate study

Brief Description
The University of Turin funds 15 two-year scholarships to international students interested in enrolling at the first year of a postgraduate degree program, a.y. 2020-2021.

You can apply for the scholarship if you:

hold a valid qualification obtained in a foreign education system providing access to a postgraduate degree program

do not have Italian citizenship

are not residing in Italy.

The 15 two-year scholarships will be assigned as follows:

a) 3 scholarships for international students with Mexican citizenship

b) 3 scholarships for international students with Japanese citizenship

c) 4 scholarships for international students with one of the following citizenships: Algeria, Cameroon, Gabon; Mali, Morocco, Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia

d) 5 scholarships for international students with any other citizenship different from those listed above.

Deadline is 30th April, 2020
For more information, click here