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Apply for the Vector Institute Scholarship for a Masters in Artificial Intelligence

Brief Description

The Vector Institute is building an AI workforce to drive the competitiveness of Ontario-based companies and labs and to strengthen Ontario’s position as a global destination in AI. The Vector Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence, valued at $17,500, helps to attract the best and brightest students to study in AI-related master’s programs in Ontario. There are currently over 20 master’s programs in Ontario recognized by the Vector Institute for equipping graduates with AI skills and competencies sought by industry.


Scholarships are valued at $17,500 CAD for one full year of study.


  • Candidates must be accepted into either: A) a recognized full-time AI-related master’s program; or B) a full-time master’s program not currently recognized, but in which candidates will pursue an individualized plan of study that is demonstrably AI-focused.

  • Candidates must register for full-time study and begin their AI-related master’s program in 2019-20.

  • Candidates must hold first-class standing (minimum of A- or equivalent) in the last two years of study (full-time equivalent) in an honours undergraduate program from a recognized university. Consideration will be given to candidates with upper second class standing (B+) and relevant work experience or where extenuating circumstances apply (describe the reason for consideration).

  • Two referee reports must be completed using the downloaded fillable PDF VSAI referee report form submitted to the program in which the candidate will register. At least one of the reports must be from an academic referee. [Candidates should seek references at soon as possible and complete the top portion of the referee form before emailing the form to their referees for them to fill out]. *

  • Candidates must supply a 250-word statement outlining their reason for pursuing a master’s in AI, relevant AI-related experience, and career aspirations. *

  • Candidates must be nominated by the program in which they intend to register.



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