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Apply for the Fulbright Foreign Student Program (Scholarships to study in the United States) 2020

Brief Description

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program (formerly Fulbright JSD) is a non-degree program funded by the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. and administered by the Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York.

The program is designed primarily to strengthen the capacities of African universities through higher degree training and to develop the potential of their academic staff.  It is targeted at young and exceptionally promising faculty members who wish to conduct their doctoral research in the United States.   Applicants must be at least two years into their doctoral program in any discipline at a Nigerian university or research institute at the time of application.

Applicants are advised to read the instructions preceding the application carefully before they fill in the form.

ONLY online applications are accepted.  Interested applicants can apply online at the following website:

 Objectives of the Program

• To promote institutional linkages between U.S. and Nigerian universities and institutions.

• To expose Nigerian academics to the U.S. education system and standard research facilities for timely completion of their doctoral program.

• To promote teaching and research as well as manpower development for Nigeria’s higher institutions of learning.

• To expose grantees to leadership skills and voluntary service with a view to sensitizing them to imbibe these values when they return home.

 Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible for a grant: 

• Applicants must be citizens or nationals of Nigeria, or permanent residents holding a valid passport issued by the Nigerian government.

• Applicants must be doctoral students and have the endorsement of their home institution.

• Applicants must be at least two years into their doctoral program in any discipline.

• Applicants must have an outstanding academic record and a high level of English proficiency.

• Applicants must meet a minimum score of 100 on the internet-based TOEFL test.

• The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is open to applicants in all disciplines. However, proposals for clinical medical research involving patient contact cannot be approved under the Fulbright Program.

• Applicants must have high motivation and a serious commitment to completing the program as scheduled and to returning home.

• Only applicants with strong proposals, outlining their research objectives, methodology, time-frame, and justification for conducting the research in the U.S. will be short-listed for interviews.

• Preference will be given to applicants who have not studied in the U.S.

Application opens: February 1 Application Closes: June 1 

For more information, click here


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