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AIMS South Africa Teaching Assistantship 2023 – Call For Applications


Teaching assistants are a fundamental feature of the AIMS model. AIMS South Africa appoints between eight and ten advanced postgraduate students as teaching assistants. Briefly, the duties of the teaching assistants are to provide assistance to the Academic Director and lecturers in matters concerning the academic programme and the assessment of students. Teaching assistants attend the lecture courses; arrange additional tutorials; assist with the marking of assignments; and assist the students with computing and research project writing. Teaching assistants also provide useful information to assist the Academic Director (and sometimes lecturers, who are under no obligation to provide references for students) when writing student references. Teaching assistants are recruited via an announcement through AIMS’ mailing lists. Criteria considered for selection include academic achievement, ability to speak relevant languages, and ability to function in the unusual AIMS teaching environment.


Teaching assistants attend the lecture courses; arrange additional tutorials; assist with the marking of assignments; and assist the students with computing and research project writing. Teaching assistants also provide useful information to assist the Academic Director (and sometimes lecturers, who are under no obligation to provide references for students) when writing student references. Teaching assistants are recruited via an announcement through AIMS’ mailing lists.


At least a Master’s in one of the mathematical sciences; superior teaching ability/skills; excellent interpersonal skills; innovative flair; excellent command of English and/or French; ability to work as a dedicated member of a team where responsibility is shared. Knowledge of an additional language, in particular Arabic, would be an advantage.


Applications close when all positions are filled.

Click here for more details.


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