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Apply: Columbia center on sustainable development Executive Training on Sustainable Investments

Brief Description We are accepting applications here until February 14, 2020. A limited number of partial scholarships are available; if you would like to be considered for a partial scholarship, you must apply on or before December 13, 2019. CCSI’s Executive Training on Sustainable Investments in Agriculture provides an interdisciplinary approach to addressing the challenges and opportunities of agricultural investments. The program is designed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to address some of the key challenges posed by international investments in agriculture, and to encourage a rich dialogue about practices from around the globe. Who should attend?

Eligibility This interdisciplinary program is designed for mid-level public sector officials and civil society representatives from low- and middle-income countries, whose responsibilities relate to investments, agriculture, land, or rural development. A select number of representatives from development agencies and the private sector may also be admitted. (Please note that you are responsible for securing a visa for your participation. We strongly recommend applying for a relevant visa or an ESTA as early as possible. If you need a letter from us, please let us know. All participants must be able to read and communicate in English.)

Deadline for scholarship is December 13, 2019

For more information, click here


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