The DSI and NRF are pleased to announce a call for new applications for DSI-NRF Postgraduate Student Funding for the academic year 2023. All continuing students who are eligible for a second or third year of funding must submit a Progress Report and not a new application. The programme will identify academically gifted African scholars from resource-challenged backgrounds to pursue postgraduate study in some of the best universities across the continent. Over a period of five years, MINDS will fund and support 45 Honours and Master’s scholars to study at African universities outside their country of origin, while the NRF will contribute funding for 50 Doctoral scholars from the rest of the continent based in South African universities.
Benefit - Full Cost of Study (FCS) or Partial Cost of Study (PCS).
Eligibility - Be a citizen of an African country other than SA, residing in any African country - Be thirty-two (32) tears of age and or younger on 31 December in the year of application for the doctoral scholarship and - Be intending to pursue full-time doctoral studies with effect from the following academic year of the year of application at a SA public university.
8th July 2022