To bring the diversity within its School of Law, Queen Mary University of London is now accepting applications for the Roy Goode Scholarship. This funding scheme is available for all LLM, MSc and MA courses, and will cover the full full-tuition fee for those students taking part in one of these degree programmes at Queen Mary University.
Selected students will have the full tuition cost of any approved master programme.
Africans from Egypt, Ghana, , Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa
Applicants must be applying for the following courses: LLM Law, LLM Banking and Finance, LLM Commercial and Corporate Law, LLM Comparative and International Dispute Resolution, LLM in Intellectual Property Law, LLM International Business law, LLM Tax Law, LLM Insurance Law, LLM International Shipping Law, LLM Energy and Natural Resources Law, LLM International Economic law, LLM Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law, LLM Arts Business and the Law, LLM/MA in Regulation and Compliance, LLM Law and Economics, LLM in Paris, MSC law and Finance.
August 31, 2020.
For more information, click here