ITU Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Applied Research Center (ITU AI) and Google DeepMind are excited to announce Google DeepMind Scholarships for the Fall 2024-2025 Term. The scholarships will be offered to female graduate students at ITU specializing in artificial intelligence. The qualifications for applications, benefits of the scholarship, application process, and timeline are as follows
Duration: Scholarship lasts 4 semesters for the M.Sc. program.
Stipend: Scholarship offers a monthly stipend of 1000 USD.
Equipment: Scholarship offers a one-off equipment grant of 1500 USD.
Travel: Scholarship offers an annual academic travel grant of 2250 USD.
Mentorship: Each recipient will be matched with a researcher from Google DeepMind to receive mentorship on personal career development in the field of AI.
Applicants must identify as female.
• International applications are welcome.
• The scholarship is exclusive to students who are admitted to one of the eligible M.Sc. programs in ITU for the Fall 2024-2025 term. The applicants must apply to the aforementioned programs while applying for the scholarship. The eligible programs are:
– Computer Engineering/Computer Science
– Electrical/Electronics Engineering
– Physics
– Control and Automation Engineering
– Mathematics
– Game and Interaction Technologies
– Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering
For non-Computer Engineering and Computer Science tracks, scholarships will only be awarded to tracks with a research focus in AI. For Masters students, they need to pursue four AI electives and write an AI-related thesis.
Deadline: June14, 2024
Click here for more details.