The National Humanities Center welcomes fellowship applications from scholars engaged in advanced humanities research regardless of citizenship or national origin. Each year, several scholars from countries other than the United States come to the Center, in North Carolina, as part of the cohort of Fellows and contribute to the rich intellectual and diverse environment of the fellowship program.
The Center seeks to provide half salary up to $65,000 with the expectation that the Fellow’s home institution covers the remaining salary.
Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent scholarly credentials. Mid-career and senior scholars are encouraged to apply. Emerging scholars with a strong record of peer-reviewed work may also apply. The Center does not support the revision of doctoral dissertations.
In addition to scholars from all fields of the humanities, the Center accepts individuals from the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects. For more details on eligibility see the FAQs section on the Sponsor’s website
October 7
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