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Apply For The Cambridge - Africa ALBORADA Research Fund 2022


The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund was established in 2012, with generous support from The ALBORADA Trust. The Fund supports pairs of researchers (post-doctoral level and above) from the University of Cambridge (or an affiliated institution such as the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, NIAB and British Antarctic Survey) and sub-Saharan African institutions, across all disciplines, to initiate and/or strengthen research collaborations.


The Cambridge-Africa ALBORADA Research Fund competitively awards grants of between £1,000 and £20,000, for:

  • research costs (such as reagents, fieldwork and equipment)

  • research-related travel between Cambridge and Africa and

  • conducting research training activities in Africa (e.g. setting up courses/workshops).


You can apply for this scheme if you:

  • are an applicant at the post-doctoral level or above

  • have a formal link to a research group/department/faculty in their home institution

  • remain employed beyond the end date of their ALBORADA awards.

  • you application provides a clear demonstration that it will enhance the relationship between the Cambridge and African Principal Investigators (PIs).

  • are either working at the University of Cambridge, or at a Research Institute affiliated with the University.

  • are based in a sub-Saharan African Research Institution or University

Application Deadline: 5th September, 2022

For more information click here


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