Brief Description
Chevening Scholarships enable outstanding emerging leaders from all over the world to pursue one-year master’s degrees in the UK. Whilst there is no ‘typical’ Chevening Scholar, we are looking for the kind of people who have the passion, ideas, and influence to provide the solutions and leadership needed to create a better future.
Since 1983, Chevening has brought over 50,000 exceptional professionals from around the world to study in the UK through scholarships and fellowships funded by the UK government. This unique opportunity has helped to elevate careers, transform communities, shift and deepen perspectives, and build intercontinental bridges.
To be eligible for a Chevening Scholarship you must:
Be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible country or territory.
Return to your country of citizenship for a minimum of two years after your award has ended.Have completed all components of an undergraduate degree that will enable you to gain entry onto a postgraduate programme at a UK university by the time you submit your application. This is typically equivalent to an upper second-class 2:1 honours degree in the UK.
Have at least two years of work experience.
Apply to three different eligible UK university courses and have received an unconditional offer from one of these choices by 16 July 2020.
Meet the Chevening English language requirement by 16 July 2020.
A full Chevening Scholarship normally comprises:
Payment of tuition fees.
Economy travel to and from your country of residence by an approved route for you only.
An arrival allowance.
The cost of an entry clearance (visa) application for you only.
A departure allowance.
A contribution of up to £75 for TB testing, where this is required.
A travel top-up allowance.
A monthly personal living allowance (stipend) to cover accommodation and living expenses. The monthly stipend will depend on whether you are studying inside or outside of London. These rates are subject to annual review.
Stipend payments will be made to you on or around the 21st of the month for the following full month. Where you arrive in the UK or leave the UK partway through the month, the stipend for that month will be adjusted as appropriate.
Deadline is November 5, 2019
For more information, click here