Brief Description
FASPE is an intensive, two-week study program in professional ethics and ethical leadership. FASPE is neither a Holocaust studies course nor a genocide prevention program. Rather, the curriculum is designed to challenge Fellows to critically examine constructs, current developments and issues that raise ethical concerns in their professions in contemporary settings in which they work.
Each year, FASPE Journalism awards fellowships to 14 to 16 journalism students and early-career journalists. Fellows spend two weeks in Berlin and Poland, where they visit key sites of Nazi history and participate in daily seminars led by specialized faculty. The program couples the power of place with academic rigour and many informal opportunities for creative exchange.
FASPE Journalism applicants must be interested in journalism as a career and fit into one of the following two categories: 1) be enrolled in a graduate program of any kind and planning to work as a journalist; 2) be working as a journalist with an undergraduate degree in any field received between May 2015 and May 2020 or a graduate degree in any field received between May 2019 and January 2021.
FASPE seeks Fellows who are about to embark on their career as professionals who are interested in engaging in discussions with their co-Fellows and faculty, and who have the intellectual and emotional maturity to unpack difficult and controversial issues responsibly and respectfully in small group settings. FASPE selects its Fellows on the basis of their academic background, personal and professional experiences, capacity for leadership and ability to contribute to the program and the alumni community. All applications are welcome and reviewed.
January 6, 2021
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