The Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) has announced a Special ERG Call for Proposals from Ph.D. Students. A key goal of the ERG programme is to encourage research on issues related to private enterprise development in low-income countries by young scholars. Benefit - ERGs are grants of between £10,000 and £40,000
Eligibility - Applicants must be currently enrolled in a Ph.D. programme to be eligible for this special call. - The proposed research should form at least part of the student’s planned doctoral dissertation. - Only individuals can apply for a PEDL Exploratory Grant. - PEDL Exploratory Grants will be issued through a contract between CEPR and the successful applicant directly. In exceptional circumstances, a contract with an institution can be issued, but the contract will be non-negotiable, and the institution cannot take any overheads. - This applies also to Doctoral students. - You may apply as a team, but only one researcher should submit the proposal as the representative of the team. - That individual will be the named individual on the contract and will be responsible for the project implementation, should it be successful. - Ph.D. students are eligible to apply to any ERG funding round, they are issuing a special call exclusively for Ph.D. students to encourage broader participation in the programme. Deadline 21 March 2022
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