Brief Description
The Starr International Foundation Scholarship Fund is set aside for highly talented foreign-language students with a recognised foreign Bachelor’s degree who are completing a Master's degree in one of the English-language programmes Strategy and International Management (SIM), Quantitative Economics and Finance (MiQE/F), International Affairs and Governance (MIA), Banking and Finance (MBF), Marketing, Services and Communication (MSC), Economics (MEcon), International Law (MIL) and Finance and Accounting (MAccFin).
As a rule, grants in the amount of CHF 20,000 per programme shall be paid out every year. Exceptional students are identified by the Advice Center for Study Funding on the basis of various criteria. Students are then asked to submit additional documents.
Exceptional students identified by the Advice Center for Study Funding on the basis of various criteria will be automatically considered for the Starr International Foundation Scholarships.
16th July 2020
For more information, click here