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Apply for the University of Michigan African Presidential Scholars (UMAPS) Program


The Program brings early career faculty from African universities to the university and have full access to the University of Michigan's (U-M) resources to further their work on a research project, an academic degree, publications, grant proposal, or other relevant activity. Benefit Round-trip airfare from their home country to Michigan, free housing, medical insurance, a research allowance, and a modest stipend to cover living Eligibility - Be an early career faculty member who has taught in the higher education system for less than ten years, and who is presently teaching in a college or university in Africa - Be employed in an ongoing position at a university or college in Africa - Be able to demonstrate support from a home institution with a letter of recommendation from the head of department, dean, or vice chancellor - Be able to remain in residence for five months Deadline 15 October 2021

For more information, click here


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