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Climate Research and Education to Advancing Green Development in Africa (CREATE-GreenAfrica)


The European Union (EU), under its Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, has provided funding to support the training of graduate students in African universities under the “Climate Research and Education to Advancing Green Development in Africa (CREATE-GreenAfrica)” project.

The project is a mobility programme comprising six African Partner Institutions and one EU Technical Partner. The CREATE-GreenAfrica consortium includes the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM, Tanzania) as the coordinating institution, Mekelle University (MU, Ethiopia), Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU, Zimbabwe), University of Free State (UFS, South Africa), University of Ghana (UG, Ghana), University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT, Nigeria) and European Technical Partner University of Southern Denmark (SDU, Denmark). This project aims to increase climate-oriented skills and qualifications across the African continent through mobility and experience sharing.


  • a subsistence allowance of 1230 € per month for PhD candidates and 890 € for M.Sc. candidates. This will cover research costs, travel, travel insurance, subsistence and accommodation.

  • Tuition fees and research contribution


  • The scholarships are open to all qualified African candidates residing in Africa at the time of application to be trained in the host institutions for respective programs in Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa.

  • Note: Applicants are only allowed to apply to study in an institution outside of their home country. Female and disadvantaged/vulnerable candidates are encouraged to apply. All applications will be handled confidentially.

Application Deadline

6 September, 2024

For more information, click here.


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