The Food System Resilience Program (FSRP) is a flagship regional investment program of more than US$1 billion that aims to build food system resilience in West Africa through a strategic regional approach. The program will fund investments in three mutually reinforcing thematic areas: (1) Digital advisory services for the prevention and management of agricultural and food crises; (2) Sustainability and resilience of the food system’s productive base (sustainable land and watershed management, agro-ecological approaches); and (3) Market integration and trade (regional staple food value chain development). Each area will be led by a mandated regional institution (AGRHYMET, CORAF, ECOWAS) to ensure coordination and build sustainable capacity.
The fellowship stipend will include (i) registration and bench fees; (ii) a monthly living allowance; (iii) field expenses including travel, surveys or labour related to the research activities, acquisition of small research equipment and consumables; (iv) international travel expenses (conference attendance, scientific visits); (v) and supervision expenses.
To be eligible for this program, applicants must meet the following requirements:
– Be a national of one of the CORAF member countries;
– Be no more than 40 years old;
– Have a Master’s degree in research related to the chosen field and theme;
– Have already identified a thesis supervisor;
– Have a demonstrated capacity for applied research, a willingness to learn and think across disciplines and professions;
– Have a demonstrated interest in agricultural research for development;
– Ability to speak and write French or English fluently; good working knowledge of the other language would be an asset;
– Ability to work in a multicultural environment
17th May 2023
Click here for more details.