‘If I have seen farther, it is by standing on the shoulder of giants’- Isaac Newton
A wise man once said that it is honorable to cross the bridge and hold it out for another to cross. But it is even more honorable not to have crossed but to hold out a bridge for another to cross. We are that wise man!
At GetIn, our principal aim is to improve access to quality education for Africans. We strongly believe that education, quality education, is a veritable leverage any day, and will always be instrumental to the average African’s success in life. That is why we preoccupy ourselves with helping candidates from developing countries and underrepresented backgrounds secure funding and admission to top graduate schools.
Funding is very important, if not the most important part, of getting into graduate school. Sometimes, candidates lose their admission because of lack of funding, some have to defer their admission while some are completely discouraged from applying because of lack of funding! Asides guiding and advising candidates on how to access scholarships and grants for their chosen program, teaching strategies to make candidates application stand out through our boot camp, and providing application support services, we went a step further to institute a graduate school application fund in 2018.
Another application season has come upon us, and we understand it can be quite expensive to pay application fees, apply for transcripts and ensure they get to your dream school in time, pay for language tests and other qualifying tests, apply for and pay for visa, the list goes on. Essentially, getting into graduate school can be a lot of work and a lot of money. We realize this at GetIn, which is why we have instituted an application grant to help. We know it’s not much, but, we want to start you on your journey to academic/career success.
Applying to graduate school is the first step of many, in the direction of academic and career progress. Our $100 dollar application fee grant is our way of providing support and encouragement to intending graduate school applicants. With this grant, we take one more expense off your list. How great is it to hear that news?!
In the words of Odinaka, one of our winners from last year, winning the GetIn grant was the beginning of so many great things to happen in her graduate school application journey. For her, it was a validation of her dreams and it gave her all the self-confidence needed to pursue other grants and scholarships. She went further to say, “The grant came in at a time when I was finding it difficult to pay for my GRE exams. There couldn't have been a better time. Today I have a full tuition Penn UNESCO scholarship to University of Pennsylvania, it all began with GetIn”
This year again, five successful applicants will win themselves a hundred dollars each to be expended towards their graduate school application. Just like our last year winners have amazing success stories to tell, we believe there are other five people out there who will do same this year.
We have partnered with well-meaning individuals and friends of GetIn who believe in paying it forward to make this grant available. So pulling our resources and theirs together, we want to be the shoulders upon which five lucky applicants can stand this year and see farther- graduate school wise. To apply for this grant, click here