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Updated: Feb 13, 2020

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”— Dr. Seuss.


To Kill a Mockingbird was an immediate and astonishing success. It won the Pulitzer Prize and quickly became a global phenomenon. The novel features Jean Louise (“Scout”) Finch ages from six to nine years old during the course of the novel as the protagonist. She is raised with her brother, Jeremy Atticus (“Jem”), by their widowed father, Atticus Finch. He is a prominent lawyer who encourages his children to be empathetic and just. He notably tells them that it is “a sin to kill a mockingbird,” alluding to the fact that the birds are innocent and harmless. As a Southern Gothic and Bildungsroman novel, the primary themes of To Kill a Mockingbird involve racial injustice and the destruction of innocence.

DEBT-FREE U: Zac Bissonnette, Andrew Tobias

This book is helpful to college students - especially in the U.S. The book gives insight on how you can graduate from college without having to graduate and start struggling with loans. Having to deal with loans after college will limit your options when it comes to jobs, where you can live, etc. This is not how it should be. This is not how it has to be. Debt-Free U will show you how you can go to college and avoid debt - even if your family isn't loaded.

BECOMING: Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama shares her experience as a black woman who defied all odds and disregarded stereotypes. The book is a great read for women who are looking for inspiration, empowerment, and a modern twist on literature.

THE POWER OF HABIT: Charles Duhigg

Charles shares experiences of people and companies who achieved success by focusing on the patterns that shape every aspect of our lives. They succeeded by transforming habits. The Golden rule of habit change helps stop addictive habits and replace them with new ones. It states that if you keep the initial cue, replace the routine, and keep the reward, change will eventually occur, although individuals who do not believe in what they are doing will likely fall short of the expectations and give up. Charles Duhigg discussed "willpower" and its role in creating a habit.

A MIND FOR NUMBERS: Dr. Barbara Oakly

Dr. Oakly in her book reveals the secrets to learning effectively. Despite the title of the book, most of the advice here is appropriate for just about any subject. The book is filled with anecdotes and stories about educators, students, scientists, engineers, and mathematicians. These stories help make the book engaging, where otherwise it would be rather dry and uninteresting.


In this book, Cal emphasize that following your passion is bad career advice, and the better approach is to master skills that people value. Mastery is its own reward, and from there, career satisfaction will follow. Although several reviews about the book suggest that Mr. Newport did a very poor job at fleshing out his arguments, and he did an even worse job at providing examples of practical applications of his arguments for the average worker, the book's general content helps student in particular with staying in a path and mastering the act of maneuvering through that path.

SPARK: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain: John J. Ratey

Everyone knows the benefits of exercise on the muscles and heart but now studies have discovered what it does to the brain, which is even more impressive. The book provides a detailed explanation of how different parts of the brain work on a biological level to carry out the everyday functions and what part of the brain is responsible for different tasks. We get to learn how the brain is able to function at a cellular level like how the neurons communicate with each other to carry the signal that governs our actions.


Cal Newport who has experience in education gives reading tips and practices to help students. Short tips that are contained in this book are: 1. Don't cram; space out reading; make a schedule. 2. Take careful "smart notes" with the Question, Evidence, Conclusion format and don't leave any stone unturned when it comes to notes. 3. Study in quiet places in 40 minutes intervals with 5-10 minute breaks in the morning, not at night.


You might not be responsible for your failures, but you can sure take responsibility for your success. John Maxwell did a create job in emphasizing that failing is not the end, instead it is the beginning of success He encourages that we turn failure into knowledge and knowledge into success. He highlights three things that help in making the most of opportunities: Set clear goals, Work on your social skills and mastering networking.

Dr Seuss' words in the opening line remain true, in whatever context they find themselves being written or said. and just in case you are one of those people who cannot be bothered with or cannot find the time for reading books, audio books are your best friends. And yes, audio-books are books.

This piece was put together by Chidinma Onuoha


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