The K•A•C Global Tobacco Harm Reduction Scholarship Programme stands as a pivotal initiative dedicated to advancing awareness, research, and advocacy in the realm of tobacco harm reduction. This comprehensive scholarship program is spearheaded by Knowledge Action Change (K•A•C), an organization committed to driving positive change in public health, particularly in the context of tobacco harm reduction.
Building on the successes of previous scholarship programmes, Knowledge•Action•Change (K•A•C) is pleased to announce the launch of the 7th K•A•C Global Tobacco Harm Reduction Scholarship Program.
Scholars can expect considerable input. This includes:
assistance in honing your proposal post-submission
a stipend of $12,000 to undertake the project
travel to and from Warsaw to attend the Global Forum on Nicotine (GFN) (read programme highlights)
an online course in the theory and practice of THR
accommodation for the whole period of GFN, including additional days for scholars
per diems for the duration of GFN
enrolment onto the Mentoring scheme, with a named expert mentor (read programme highlights)
ongoing support from the Scholarship Programme Manager
assistance with problem solving – both practical and academic
the opportunity to return to Warsaw in 2025 to share your findings, either as a poster display, as a speaker, or as an enhanced scholar.
The scholarships programme prioritises applications from low, and middle-income countries.
We welcome applications from any potential scholars with an interest in THR. This includes:
people intending to enter into the field of research into THR and/or public health
harm reduction professionals
postgraduate students
researchers and scientists
medical professionals
internet and social media professionals
film makers and other audio-visual professionals.
Deadline: 30th November 2023.
Click here for more details.