This is the twenty-fourth year that NVIDIA has invited PhD students to submit their research projects for consideration. Recipients are selected based on their academic achievements, professor nomination, and area of research. This program is a great way to support academia in its pursuit of cutting-edge innovation, as well as an ideal avenue to introduce NVIDIA to the future leaders of our industry.
up to $60,000 per award
Students must have already completed their first year of PhD level studies (at the time of application)
Students must have majors in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, System Architecture, Electrical Engineering, or a related area.
Students must be engaged in active research as part of their PhD thesis
Students must be enrolled as full-time active PhD students during the 2025-2026 academic year (9 months) of the award – this means they should not be expecting to graduate sooner than May/June 2026.
Students must be available to complete an in-person summer internship prior to the start of their Fellowship year at one of NVIDIA's research offices in the United States, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Israel, and Taiwan.
Students may not be immediate family of a current NVIDIA employee
Note: The award must be administered through the student's university; payment will be made to the university, not directly to the student
Application Deadline
3 pm Pacific Time 13 September, 2024
For more information, click here.