Applications are now open for the 2025 Old Mutual Bursary Actuarial Science Programme. Old Mutual Limited (OML) is a premium African financial services group that offers a broad spectrum of financial solutions to retail and corporate customers across key markets in 14 countries.
study materials
accommodation in residence
return flights home (if studying outside of your hometown)
You must be a South African citizen
You must have at least 80% in Mathematics, 60% for English HL or 70% for English FAL, 70% for all your other subjects.
You must have applied/ be studying at either:
North-West University
Stellenbosch University
University of Cape Town
University of Pretoria
University of the Free-State
University of the Witwatersrand
University of Johannesburg
University of KwaZulu-Natal
You must be committed to qualifying as an actuary and work for the company after graduation.
October 31st
Click here for more details.