The aim of the Ulam Programme is to increase the internationalization of Polish institutions of science and higher education. The Programme will allow both recognized and promising scientists who hold at least a doctoral degree to visit Poland in order to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and to participate in their scientific activities, primarily research projects and didactics. The Programme will allow inviting scientists, regardless of their age, from all around the world and representing all fields of science, including Polish scientists working permanently abroad (they may constitute a maximum of 10% of Fellows in the call). HEIs, scientific and research institutes will have the opportunity to invite specialists from their priority areas to Poland – they will make a significant contribution to the research conducted by a given institution, strengthen didactics or support the institution in applying for prestigious grants.
The Programme provides financing for a Scholarship that covers the Fellow’s living allowance of PLN 10,000 a month, along with a mobility allowance.
The Ulam Programme can be attended by the natural person who jointly meets the following conditions:
1) is a scientist with at least a doctoral degree (should have a Ph.D. degree at the time of the deadline for applications. Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered eligible to apply);
2) is employed at a foreign HEI or a foreign scientific/research centre or completed their previous employment contract after 31 August 2022. Employment is not required for persons who obtained their doctoral degree after 31 August 2022;
3) had not studied or worked in Poland within 3 years before the date deadline of the call and did not live during this period in Poland continuously for more than three months (work in Poland is understood as employment under an employment contract in an entity based in the territory of the Republic of Poland or managing a research grant with an affiliation to the Polish scientific institution, if in this respect the salary was paid);
4) if the Applicant has implemented other NAWA projects, it is possible to apply when the scholarship has been settled and the agreement is considered completed;
5) has minimum 3 achievements (from not earlier than 2017) out of the following:
a) a publication published in English, as the main author (especially first or correspondence), in journals included in one of the following international databases: Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index; or
b) a reviewed research monograph published in English; or
c) a publication in English in reviewed materials from an international conference listed by the Computing Research and Education Association of Australasia (CORE), indexed in the international DBLP Computer Science Bibliography database
22nd May 2023
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