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Apply for the Nestlé MBA Scholarship for Women


The Nestlé Scholarship for Women was first awarded in 1997 and was initiated by a group of IMD MBA participants who wanted to encourage women to take the MBA. IMD is committed to fostering the growth in diversity through the merit and need-based MBA scholarships, which are awarded to candidates who have applied for and accepted an offer to join the IMD MBA program. These include one full scholarship and four 80% scholarships.


The scholarship is worth CHF 25,000


To be considered eligible, applicants have to submit a 750-word essay on:

Many have argued that greater diversity in the top management team of an organization is good for profits and customers. What would you recommend as ways to achieve greater diversity?"

Preference is given to women from developing countries. Employees of Nestlé or its subsidiaries are not eligible.


1 Sept, 2020

For more information, click here


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