The AERA Grants Program provides advanced graduate students with research funding and professional development and training. The program supports highly competitive dissertation research using rigorous quantitative methods to examine large-scale, education-related data. The aim of the program is to advance fundamental knowledge of relevance to STEM policy, foster significant science using education data, and build research capacity in education and learning. Benefit - Up to $25,000 for 1Âyear projects.
Eligibility - Dissertation Grants are available for advanced doctoral students and are intended to support the student while analyzing data and writing the doctoral dissertation. - Proposals are encouraged from the full range of education research fields and other fields and disciplines engaged in education-related research, including economics, political science, psychology, sociology, demography, statistics, public policy, and psychometrics. - Applicants for this one-year, non-renewable award should be advanced doctoral students at the dissertation writing stage, usually the last year of study. - Applicants may be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents enrolled in a doctoral program. - Non-U.S. citizens enrolled in a doctoral program at a U.S. institution are also eligible to apply. - Under-represented racial and ethnic minority researchers as well as women, individuals with disabilities and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.
Deadline 15 June 2022
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