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Apply for The Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships at the University of York


The Wolfson Foundation awards funding to outstanding students who demonstrate the potential to make an impact on their chosen field of study. These scholarships are available to international (including EU) and UK (home) students with notable academic excellence. Benefit - Fees covered at the home rate (each institution will cover the difference between International and Home fee rates for their successful applicants) - 40-month stipend and other fees Eligibility - This award is open to international (including EU) and UK (home) students. - Students can make one application for funding through the open competition at either York, Leeds or Sheffield. - All students are eligible to receive a full award, including fees and a stipend at the standard UKRI Home level. Applicants liable for international fees will have the difference between the home and international fee rate met by their university. - By the time you start your Ph.D. study, you should have: first or 2:1 honours degree or equivalent, Masters-level qualification,

Deadline 26 January 2022

For more information, click here.


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